I know the title seems like a downer, but it really isn't all that bad. Yesterday was 6 weeks exactly. Wow that went fast! I am considered 'healed' physically, mentally I am still getting there. I am learning that this surgery changes everything. My brain is just a little slow to catch up. Last week week had a few bumps. I had two full days of being dizzy and just feeling off. I did go see my surgeon, because I had a stitch that was coming out. I told him everything, we got more blood work done. Just to make sure. As far as I know everything was great. I started to feel better on Thursday/Friday. My guess is that it was more related to my sinus issues. I have been dizzy because of that before, this was just a lot more.
TMI section- there is mention of blood here. It might be gross for some so just skip ahead to the end!
While I was office, I told him that I finally figured out where the bloody discharge from my belly button was coming from. I have an open ulcerated area in there. He was finally able to really see it. He was actually a little speechless! There was a lot of 'umm oh, well look at thats'. I felt vindicated, I had been telling him, but he could never find it. We have a working plan for keeping it clean. It really makes me nervous because having blood coming out of your belly button. Even if it just ooze from and ulcer. The bad news is that I am out of the pool until it heals. Honestly, I can't see myself back in the pool until I have the hernia repair done. That is at least 10 months away. Insert sad face.
The good news is that Chris has been great (like always, well most times) and agreed that instead of getting a pool pass I am looking at gym's. If I can find one that I like that is about the same money as the pool then we are going for that. Trying to get what I need without jacking up cost. Tonight I start the couch to 5K program. It is 9 weeks, I think? The race is June 9.That is all free for me to participate in. I think it would be pretty foolish to not at least try. Oh that reminds me I have to change Charlotte's hair donation appointment. Crap. Anyway, I am excited about this. I know it is going to only help my weight loss, and help get up my endurance.
Speaking of weight loss, this week I stalled. Same as last week. I know it seems crazy for that to happen when you are only eating (maybe) 400-500 calories a day. However, from what I have read it is quite normal around 6 weeks. I am not really upset, I just took it as my body saying, "OK, I am now all healed up! Get out there and move it!" So that is what I am going to do.
Thinking about you! I have heard good things about the C25K program. I am stalled this week too...