Thursday, May 24, 2012

3 Month Appointment

Today was my 3 month appointment. I met with Ranssa (psych) and Dr. von Ruedon. Everything is going great. My blood work came back right on the money, except for my iron and protein levels. We are going to watch the iron for now. As for the protein I am to change my target from 60g a day to 80g. The protein is probably due to all the working out I have been doing. I remember that from my pre-op class, some people just need more especially if you are doing intense exercises.

I think we finally figured out my dizzy spell issue. Basically, when I go from sitting to standing, or laying down to standing I get super hang onto the wall, fireworks in your eyes dizzy. Doesn't happen every single time, but it does happen a lot. Lasts about 10 secs and then I am fine. He checked out my pressure today and resting it was only 100/50! Every time I stand up your BP dips normally. With mine already being low, that is why it is causing me to almost pass out at times. So for now we are going to increase my fluids. I am going to have to get up at 4:00am to get all of this in! LOL

He also wants me too add a veggie snack in the afternoon. Normally, when I eat I am full before I get any veggies in. This new afternoon snack should help get more in.

There are new official numbers. I had my surgery weight wrong. It was a little too low. So officially, I am 62 lbs down from surgery, and 94 down total! I have decided to celebrate my 100 total weight loss with something special. I am thinking another charm! After this it will mark every 50 lbs till I get to goal. I go back in another 3 months for another check-up unless there is a problem.

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome! I am so proud of you. What a testimony to your girls too...they are watching you persevere even when it is tough and seeing you celebrate the results!
