Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 6 and all is better.

Since the ER visit everything seems to be healing nicely. I do have some dermatitis around most of my incision sites. This morning I called and got back in the my surgeon to check back in after the ER visit. We talked about the dermatitis and he wants me to start Hydrocortisone cream around each site. Hopefully this will help the itching. Other then that it seems like all the fluids I got are doing their magic.

As for my mood, I haven't cried today. Bonus! I did start out with some negative thoughts about choosing the RNY (bypass) over the lap band. But at the end of the day it was probably the best choice I could have made. I didn't put my weight on after having the girls. I was already very overweight, been so most of my life.  More then likely I would have had to convert to the bypass down the line anyway.

I did get weighed at the office, and I am down 6.56 from my weight there this past Friday. I think that seeing that the scale is moving is also helping my mood. From my highest recorded till today I am down 40 lbs.

My plan is to just keep on keeping on. I drove everywhere we went today. I am going to take it easy the rest of the night. My main focus is to just get back our normal routine.  After my adventure on Saturday night my parents, Chris and I have come to conclusion that it would be better for them to hang out till Friday morning. I am so thankful for all the love and support shown my way.


  1. Glad you are feeling better!

  2. I am so glad your spirits are up and your weight is down. :) I was worried about you!
