Sunday, March 4, 2012

ER visit- Day 4

Well day four was going well. Went to visit my sister at her new house. I stood the entire time I was there. Which was about an hour. While Chris and I were walking back to the van my back was killing me. Chris got me home and I changed clothes. Once I got comfortable my back felt a lot better. However, I noticed that I had pressure in my new tummy. I waited about ten minutes before saying anything. I was hoping that it would go away. It didn't. In fact it only got worse. I told Chris and my Mom what I was feeling. After a few minutes it was decided that we call into the doctor.  We called and left a message. While we were waiting, Chris looked it up and saw that I could take a Gas X strip.  I did. My doctor called back and after I explained everything going on he thought it best that I head to the ER to be checked out. I cried all the way there. I was so scared.

Thankfully, the ER was empty. I only had to wait a few minutes to get started. They took some blood and made me pee in a cup. Then got me set up in a room. When I changed into a gown I noticed that I a red rash around one of my sites. Great. I saw the nurse, she did an EKG, just because of where pressure was located. It was fine. Then I saw the PA. I explained everything to her. She called the surgery residents to see me. It only took a few minutes for the resident to come see me. Again explained it all again. He said he would call my surgeon to see what he wanted me to do. After a little while the PA came back and told me that I had a UTI and was extremely dehydrated. They started my fluids, I was going to get 3 liters of fluid. They also were going to run an antibiotic to help the UTI. After a little while a young man came and took me to get belly xrays. Once I came back from that my nurse came back in and started the IV antibiotic. This is where it got a little interesting.

After a few minutes of the antibiotic started I asked Chris for a drink of water. I took a sip and felt so sick. I felt like I was burning from the inside out. My face turned to fire and my teeth started pulsing.  Then my legs started shaking so bad that I couldn't make them stop. Chris got the nurse back and he got the PA who told the nurse to push benadryl. He did and after a little longer I started to feel better.

A little while later, the resident came back in again to see me and told me that my liver enzymes were a little up. Great. So I have to have them rechecked this week and see Von Rueden this week.

My mental status is shaken to say the least. I am sad, and wishing that I would have never done this to myself. I am praying that this was my stumble and it will continue to get better from here forward.  I am really thinking that I will be making an appointment to see the counselor at the surgeons office this week as well.


  1. Sorry for the stumble. :( Hope you feel better!

  2. Hugs to you. :( Think of it as a little hiccup. Bound to happen but in the long run, you were doing what was best for you.
